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7 tips to reduce your cellphone radiation

Would you think differently, if you knew that your cellphone is a miniature microwave oven? Here are 7 tips to reduce your cellphone radiation.

Why you should bother about your Cellphone SAR value?

We often neglect to assess Cellphone SAR value as a key attribute before a cellphone purchase. It is time that should change. 

Can Cellphone and WiFi radiation be a health risk during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is the most magical experience. It is the essence of creation. There is anticipation, anxiety, love and emotion for parents to be. Is Cellphone and WiFi radiation a health risk during pregnancy? Awareness and caution towards high radiation exposure is an important consideration. 

Do Cellphones cause Cancer?

Do Cellphones cause Cancer? Yes, most apparently they do… but it is yet to proven. However, in interest of our own health – no proof of harm, is not proof of no harm.

Cell phone tower radiation and birds – an honest assessment

Cell phone tower radiation and birds is a much debated topic over the last decade. There are many versions and perspectives and hear-says. Here is our version of the truth and the scare. 

What is the safe distance from mobile phone tower?

We, at Brightsandz do mobile phone tower RF radiation audits. We meet a lot of people who are concerned about mobile phone towers around their homes and work spaces. In this blog, We try answering the question – what is a safe distance from a mobile phone tower.
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